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​Introduced in 1991 by Ritec International in the UK, the Ritecoat System™ has been specially developed for the on-site renovation, protection and maintenance of many surfaces including aluminium, stainless steel, powder coated, and painted surfaces. This unique System converts ordinary surfaces into durable ‘non-stick’, low-maintenance surfaces.


Working like ‘non-stick’ cookware, surfaces treated with the Ritecoat System™...



  • resist staining and discoloration, including weathering, graffiti and chemical attack, keeping their ‘as-new’ appearance and performance for much longer

  • are much easier to clean and keep clean, eliminating the need for harsh and abrasive cleaning methods

  • look cleaner and brighter for longer between cleaning – improving general appearance and customer satisfaction



The Ritecoat System™ has a proven track record and has been used in a wide range of environments around the world. It even protects surfaces in harsh marine or coastal settings. The System can also save you money as renovation is less expensive (and less hassle) than having to replace surfaces.



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T: 1-847-671-4584

F: 1-847-671-4741


ClearShield Technologies, LLC

1864 Highgrove Lane, Suite #116, Naperville, IL 60540, USA

© Ritec International Ltd / ClearShield Technologies, LLC 2025

© ClearShield Technologies, LLC 2025 

All brand names and product names used in the Site are trade marks or trade names of Ritec International Limited (parent company of ClearShield Technologies, LLC). No permission is given in respect of the use of any of these names and moreover any such use may constitute an infringement of the holder's rights. 
Nothing contained herein shall be construed as conferring by implication, estoppel or otherwise any licence to any patent, trade mark or other intellectual property right of Ritec International Limited or any third party.

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