As part of its continuing dedication to high performance, customer support and Health & Safety in the workplace, Ritec International has developed an innovative purpose-built training facility at its head-office in London, UK.
Ritec aims to...
offer quality and prompt global support
make training & technical support simple and time efficient
ensure maximum quality and Health & Safety
This new facility is fully equipped with the latest technology to offer high quality live support.
What will you achieve?
You will build up the necessary knowledge of the Ritec ClearShield Eco-System® for 'non-stick', easy clean glass including its products, equipment, accessories and application procedure to always...
maximize performance
minimize costs
optimize Health & Safety
... when converting ordinary glass into ClearShield Eco-Glass® in your factory.
Who takes part?
Anyone requiring...
training for the conversion of ordinary glass into ClearShield Eco-Glass® in their factory
refresher training to consolidate or update existing know-how
prompt technical support relating to spraying equipment, application procedure, quality control, Health & Safety
Where is it held?
Because it is online, you may take part wherever is the most practical for you. We recommend you gather your applicator(s) in the office where they can best take part in this interactive session.
Contact us if you would like to set up an online training or support session.