A selection of projects where the Ritec ClearShield Eco-System® was specified to upgrade ordinary glass to
'non-stick', easy-clean ClearShield Eco-Glass®. Click on an image for more information.

1.08 million ft² of glass treated in the factory

1,800ft² of interior glass treated on-site

4,100ft² of glass treated on-site

158,000ft² of glass treated on-site

178,000ft² of glass treated on-site

124,000ft² of glass treated on-site

300 glass panels treated on-site

2.8 million ft² of glass treated in the factory

1.03 million ft² of glass treated on-site

20,700m² of glass treated in the factory

387,500m² of glass treated on-site (Photo: Kgbo / CC BY-SA 4.0)

Glass on 13 tour coaches treated on-site

5,400ft² of glass treated on-site (Photo: Morio / CC BY-SA 3.0)

Over 43,000ft² of glass across 15 vessels treated on-site

Shower cubicles in 150 rooms treated on-site

161,500ft² of glass treated in the factory

10,800ft² of glass treated on-site

16,100ft² of interior and exterior glass treated on-site

150m² of interior and exterior glass treated in the factory

5,400ft² of glass partitioning treated on-site

53,800ft² of glass treated in the factory

167,000ft² of glass treated on-site

118 windows and balconies in the King's Quay and Thames Quay apartment blocks treated on-site

371,000ft² of glass treated in the factory (Photo: Ya, saya inBaliTimur / CC BY-SA 2.0)